the deadline for the "resolution" photo challenge
has been extended to
next wednesday, january 25, 2012!
email your submissions to
the submission guidelines are listed in bulb's previous post.
ms. khalil & i are looking forward to viewing your images!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
a photo challenge inspired by the new year: "resolution"
this challenge is inspired by the recent new year celebration
and all of the meaning that we associate with such an occasion.
"resolution" is a word that carries a lot of power
and has significance in the world of photography.
interpret the theme as you wish and
make beautiful images that illustrate your concepts!
this competition is open to photographers of all levels
using all manner of photographic media...
feel free to use film, digital slrs, alternative processes, camera phones and photo editing software!
have fun exploring your resolution!
(there are two categories to ensure that professors aren't competing with their students)
submission guidelines:
*images should be resized to 8 inches on the longest side at 72 dpi (roughly 900k)
*files should be flattened jpegs
*files should be labeled with your first and last name and numbered (mine would be SarahBaron1.jpg)
*email submissions to with the word "resolution" in the subject line
*in your email, specify either the "Student/Amateur" or "Professional" category
*please limit your submissions to 3 per person
**the deadline for submissions is January 20, 2012!
the submissions will be curated by bulb staff and presented in an online exhibition.
this exhibition will be posted to the blog by January 27th.
the juror will then judge the images and choose two "winners" from each category.
winning photographers will receive a feature on bulb!
the guest juror for this bulb challenge is salma t khalil.
salma khalil is the co-owner of feather creative, a boutique new york-based post production studio
that specializes in photo retouching and exhibition printing.
in her personal work, ms. khalil is interested in exploring the facets that comprise our identities
and what forms our definition of home and family.
salma is an immigrant to the united states from alexandria, egypt.
she has an mfa in photography from pratt institute in brooklyn and
a ba in journalism from the george washington university in washington, dc.
she currently lives and works in brooklyn, new york.
her work can be viewed on her websites and blogs:
![]() |
res·o·lu·tion[rez-uh-loo-shuh1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usuallyafter voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club,or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution. 2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to dosomething. 3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or courseof action, method, procedure, etc. 4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute;firmness of purpose. 5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituentor elementary parts. 6. the resulting state. 7. Optics . the act, process, or capability of distinguishingbetween two separate but adjacent objects or sources of light or between two nearly equal wavelengths. Compare resolving power. 8. a solution, accommodation, or settling of a problem,controversy, etc. 9. 10. reduction to a simpler form; conversion. 11. Medicine/Medical . the reduction or disappearance of aswelling or inflammation without suppuration. 12. the degree of sharpness of a computer-generated image as measured by the number of dots per linear inch in a hard-copy printout or the number of pixels across and down on a display screen. |
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